What better place to kick off the holiday season than in the quaint and historic village of Chelsea with their annual 3-day Hometown Holiday, Friday-Saturday-Sunday, December 3rd through the 5th, 2010.
Friday, December 3rd
It all begins with a Tree Lighting Ceremony at Pierce Park on Friday, December 3rd from 6 to 6:30 PM.
Carolers will fill the streets of Downtown Chelsea to bring in the holiday spirit as Santa arrives in the American Legion Voiture Train right on Main Street. You’ll recognize the route by the luminaries displayed all along Main Street.
Rounding out Friday festivities will be Visits with Santa at Santa’s Workshop at the Chelsea Depot, Story Telling in the American Legion Voiture Train, a Live Nativity Scene (at the former Palmer Ford ~ please bring a Toy for Tots gift), Cookie Decorating (from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Chelsea Teddy Bear Company and Common Chords Bell Choir will perform at the Chelsea District Library from 7 to 8 PM.
The Youth Dance Theatre of Michigan will perform the Nutcracker Ballet in the Chelsea High School Auditorium from 7 to 8 PM.
Saturday, December 4th
Begin your day with Breakfast with Santa at the Comfort Inn & Village Conference Center from 8:30 to 10:30 AM.
Get your wreaths, swags, roping and other special holiday greens from Boy Scout Troop 425 from 9 AM to 1 PM at the Chelsea State Bank.
Experience a re-creation of the holiday’s traditions at the Waterloo Farm and Dewey School Museum from 10 AM to 4 PM. The location is west of Chelsea, but it's a trip well worth taking. Festivities include tours of the Farmhouse and Dewey School Museum adorned in period decorations, hand-crafted greens, homemade baked goods, refreshments, live music and gift items available for purchase.
Gingerbread House Workshop, 1 to 3:30 PM ~ Build your own gingerbread house from scratch at the First United Methodist Church. All the fixings to assemble and decorate a beautiful gingerbread house will be provided, but hurry and register – there are only 75 spaces available!
Speaking of gingerbread houses, gather up all your talent and collaboration and build and decorate your gingerbread house before December 3rd so that it can be droped off at the Chamber of Commerce and displayed at one of the many Chelsea businesses! Click here to download the Gingerbread House Show Entry Form 2010. Need a recipe? Here you go!
Experience the awe of the Chelsea Light Parade on Main Street beginning at 6 PM. To benefit Faith-In-Action, bring your donation of a non-perishable item which will be picked up along the parade route. AND, watch closely and you’ll see Santa!
The Youth Dance Theatre of Michigan will perform the Nutcracker Ballet in the Chelsea High School Auditorium. A "Sugar Plum Tea" will be held at 12:30 PM prior to the 2 PM performance. You can catch a second performance at 7 PM.
Luminaries will again be displayed all along Main Street leading into Downtown!
The Chelsea Teddy Bear Company is the spot for the Light Parade Party and Community Sing from 7 to 9 PM. There will be a Community Sing ~ “Counterpoint,” and the Great Bear Cub Run.
There will be merchant events, live holiday music, refreshments, and special sales all weekend. Please click here for a list of shops.
Sunday, December 5th
Experience a re-creation of the holiday’s traditions at the Waterloo Farm and Dewey School Museum from 10 AM to 4 PM. Festivities include tours of the Farmhouse and Dewey School Museum adorned in period decorations, Hand-crafted greens, homemade baked goods, refreshments, live music and gift items available for purchase. For a map of the location, click here.
The Youth Dance Theatre of Michigan will provide a “Sugar Plum Tea” will be held at 12:30 PM prior to the 2 PM performance of the Nutcracker Ballet at the Chelsea High School Auditorium.
Music, music and more music ~ a Holiday Concert with the Chelsea Chamber Players at 3 PM and 7 PM at the Chelsea Depot. . . followed by a Holiday Festival of Lessons and Carols presented by the Chelsea area churches at 6:30 PM at the Chelsea Retirement Community Chapel.
For a complete list of weekend festivities, click here.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Chelsea businesses are hosting their 5th annual “Wine, Women and Shopping” on Saturday, November 13th.
If you’ve never been, it’s a whole lot of fun and a great way to spend a “girl’s day out,” socialize and shop.
Participating stores throughout Chelsea will be open from 10 AM to 6 PM and offer treats, door prizes, activities and, of course SHOPPING!
Special perks include:
•Give aways of all sorts
•Free tastings of things like . . . Zingerman's!
•Samplings of Country Home Creatin foods
•Trunk shows of Michigan made apparrel
•Troll beads event
•Free drawings for $50 gift certificates
•Free mini facial massages
•Bargains throughout the day
•AND, of course, WINE!
It's a fantastically fun day for women to enjoy some stress-free shopping in a quaint strolling location -- much more enjoyable than the hustle and bustle of the mall.
Saline is hosting its 22rd annual juried Craft Show on Saturday, November 13th, at Saline Middle School, 7190 N. Maple Road.
Rated as one of the top 10 craft shows in Michigan, it will run from 8 AM to 3:30 PM. Crafters come from 14 states and 155 Michigan cities and you will find many hand-crafted items, including decorative painting, stoneware, rugs, birdhouses, holiday decorating ideas, ceramics, calligraphy, clothing, pottery, stained glass, leather, quilting, photography,garden items, folk art . . .
This fabulous show started in November, 1987 with 66 craft booths and 900 shoppers. It has brown to over 250 craft booths and 10,000 shoppers.
Funds raised support numerous Saline High School teams and clubs as well as a variety of community-based youth programs. Their mission is to provide a quality, juried craft show that will benefit both customers and the school community.
So if you're looking for that unique gift item, or just to beautify your own home, come and get your craft fix!
The Chelsea businesses are hosting their 5th annual “Wine, Women and Shopping” on Saturday, November 13th.
If you’ve never been, it’s a whole lot of fun and a great way to spend a “girl’s day out,” socialize and shop.
Participating stores throughout Chelsea will be open from 10 AM to 6 PM and offer treats, door prizes, activities and, of course SHOPPING!
Special perks include:
•Give aways of all sorts
•Free tastings of things like . . . Zingerman's!
•Samplings of Country Home Creatin foods
•Trunk shows of Michigan made apparrel
•Troll beads event
•Free drawings for $50 gift certificates
•Free mini facial massages
•Bargains throughout the day
•AND, of course, WINE!
It's a fantastically fun day for women to enjoy some stress-free shopping in a quaint strolling location -- much more enjoyable than the hustle and bustle of the mall.
Saline is hosting its 22rd annual juried Craft Show on Saturday, November 13th, at Saline Middle School, 7190 N. Maple Road.
Rated as one of the top 10 craft shows in Michigan, it will run from 8 AM to 3:30 PM. Crafters come from 14 states and 155 Michigan cities and you will find many hand-crafted items, including decorative painting, stoneware, rugs, birdhouses, holiday decorating ideas, ceramics, calligraphy, clothing, pottery, stained glass, leather, quilting, photography,garden items, folk art . . .
This fabulous show started in November, 1987 with 66 craft booths and 900 shoppers. It has brown to over 250 craft booths and 10,000 shoppers.
Funds raised support numerous Saline High School teams and clubs as well as a variety of community-based youth programs. Their mission is to provide a quality, juried craft show that will benefit both customers and the school community.
So if you're looking for that unique gift item, or just to beautify your own home, come and get your craft fix!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How To Calculate Your Taxes from Millage Rates
An important part of being a homeowner is understanding your taxes. This is true whether you are buying, selling, considering a ballot proposal . . . AND, this could be important to you as the tax year draws to an end and you try to figure out what’s best for you. Perhaps, in February, you’ll want to appeal your taxes. See my other Blog posts, or drop me an email for help.
So, how do you do it?
1 Mill equals $.001
1 Mill equals $1 per $1000 of taxable value
For instance, let’s say your taxable value is $100,000 . . .
Your home is located in the City of Ann Arbor with a millage rate of 45.1876
Taxable Value x Millage Rate
100 x 45.1876
Taxes Owed = $4518.76
Some common area millage rates for principal residence (you live there) homeowners:
Ann Arbor – City = 45.1876
Ann Arbor – Township = 33.8087
Chelsea – City = 42.8145
Milan – City = 44.5761
Ypsilanti – City = 56.6186
Augusta – Township (Lincoln Schools) = 29.5454
Augusta – Township – Milan Schools 30.1354
Bridgewater Township (Manchester Schools) 30.5102
Bridgewater - Township (Saline Schools) 31.6168
Dexter – Township (Chelsea Schools) 33.4309
Dexter – Township (Dexter Schools) 33.3005
Dexter – Township (Pinckney Schools) 31.4256
Freedom – Township (Chelsea Schools) 29.3745
Freedom – Township (Dexter Schools) 30.5181
Freedom – Township (Manchester Schools) 28.4495
Freedom – Township (Saline Schools) 29.5561
Lima – Township (Chelsea Schools) 30.4781
Lima – Township (Dexter Schools) 30.3396
Lodi – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 30.0501
Lodi – Township (Dexter Schools) 31.1800
Lodi – Township (Saline Schools) 30.2180
Lyndon – Township (Chelsea Schools) 30.3814
Lyndon – Township (Stockbridge Schools) 29.1700
Manchester – Township (Clinton Schools) 28.6978
Manchester – Township (Columbia Schools) 45.6882
Manchester – Township (Manchester Schools) 47.1927
Northfield – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 35.4165
Northfield – Township (Dexter Schools) 36.5465
Northfield – Township (South Lyon Schools) 32.2211
Northfield – Township (Whitmore Lake Schools) 34.2779
Salem – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 28.3906
Salem – Township (Plymouth SCC Schools) 21.5729
Salem – Township (Plymouth WCC Schools) 23.4618
Salem – Township (South Lyon WCC Schools) 28.6065
Salem – Township (South Lyon OCC Schools) 26.5053
Salem – Township (Northville Schools) 24.2018
Saline – Township (Clinton Schools) 28.8254
Saline – Township (Milan Schools) 30.3603
Saline – Township (Saline Schools) 31.4769
Saline – City 44.0885
Scio – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 29.8366
Scio – Township (Dexter Schools) 30.9665
Superior – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 34.2598
Superior – Township (Plymouth WCC Schools) 29.5283
Superior – Township (Willow Run Schools) 37.0785
Superior – Township (Ypsilanti Schools) 32.3785
Superior – Township (Plymouth SCC Schools) 27.6394
Superior – Township (Khanna Schools) 37.4412
Superior – Township (St. Henry & Macbride Schools) 37.4412
Sharon – Township (Chelsea Schools) 46.2151
Sharon – Township (Grass Lake Schools) 31.4256
Sharon – Township (Manchester Schools) 27.2901
Sharon – Township (Napoleon Schools) 28.3856
Sylvan – Township (Chelsea Schools) 30.6064
Webster – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 32.0003
Webster – Township (Dexter Schools) 33.1302
Webster – Township (Pinckney Schools) 29.9232
Webster – Township (Whitmore Lake Schools) 30.8617
York – Township (Lincoln Schools) 29.1725
York – Township (Milan Schools) 29.7625
York – Township (Saline Schools) 30.8791
Ypsilanti – Township (Lincoln Schools) 39.4094
Ypsilanti – Township (VanBuren Schools) 35.5592
Ypsilanti – Township (Willow Run Schools) 42.2594
Ypsilanti – Township (Willow Run Schools) 38.1594
Of course, if the home is not your principal residence (it’s an investment, rental, you’re not living there) … then your millage rate is much higher, but we are talking about principal residence – a.k.a. homestead here.
What goes into that little number are various rates for a bunch of little services or bond issues, such as:
• County Rate
• CVT Rate
• School Operating
• State Education
• Supplemental Millage
• Local Enhancements
• School Debt
• C.C. Rate
• ISD Rate
• Library Rate
So, how do you do it?
1 Mill equals $.001
1 Mill equals $1 per $1000 of taxable value
For instance, let’s say your taxable value is $100,000 . . .
Your home is located in the City of Ann Arbor with a millage rate of 45.1876
Taxable Value x Millage Rate
100 x 45.1876
Taxes Owed = $4518.76
Some common area millage rates for principal residence (you live there) homeowners:
Ann Arbor – City = 45.1876
Ann Arbor – Township = 33.8087
Chelsea – City = 42.8145
Milan – City = 44.5761
Ypsilanti – City = 56.6186
Augusta – Township (Lincoln Schools) = 29.5454
Augusta – Township – Milan Schools 30.1354
Bridgewater Township (Manchester Schools) 30.5102
Bridgewater - Township (Saline Schools) 31.6168
Dexter – Township (Chelsea Schools) 33.4309
Dexter – Township (Dexter Schools) 33.3005
Dexter – Township (Pinckney Schools) 31.4256
Freedom – Township (Chelsea Schools) 29.3745
Freedom – Township (Dexter Schools) 30.5181
Freedom – Township (Manchester Schools) 28.4495
Freedom – Township (Saline Schools) 29.5561
Lima – Township (Chelsea Schools) 30.4781
Lima – Township (Dexter Schools) 30.3396
Lodi – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 30.0501
Lodi – Township (Dexter Schools) 31.1800
Lodi – Township (Saline Schools) 30.2180
Lyndon – Township (Chelsea Schools) 30.3814
Lyndon – Township (Stockbridge Schools) 29.1700
Manchester – Township (Clinton Schools) 28.6978
Manchester – Township (Columbia Schools) 45.6882
Manchester – Township (Manchester Schools) 47.1927
Northfield – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 35.4165
Northfield – Township (Dexter Schools) 36.5465
Northfield – Township (South Lyon Schools) 32.2211
Northfield – Township (Whitmore Lake Schools) 34.2779
Salem – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 28.3906
Salem – Township (Plymouth SCC Schools) 21.5729
Salem – Township (Plymouth WCC Schools) 23.4618
Salem – Township (South Lyon WCC Schools) 28.6065
Salem – Township (South Lyon OCC Schools) 26.5053
Salem – Township (Northville Schools) 24.2018
Saline – Township (Clinton Schools) 28.8254
Saline – Township (Milan Schools) 30.3603
Saline – Township (Saline Schools) 31.4769
Saline – City 44.0885
Scio – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 29.8366
Scio – Township (Dexter Schools) 30.9665
Superior – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 34.2598
Superior – Township (Plymouth WCC Schools) 29.5283
Superior – Township (Willow Run Schools) 37.0785
Superior – Township (Ypsilanti Schools) 32.3785
Superior – Township (Plymouth SCC Schools) 27.6394
Superior – Township (Khanna Schools) 37.4412
Superior – Township (St. Henry & Macbride Schools) 37.4412
Sharon – Township (Chelsea Schools) 46.2151
Sharon – Township (Grass Lake Schools) 31.4256
Sharon – Township (Manchester Schools) 27.2901
Sharon – Township (Napoleon Schools) 28.3856
Sylvan – Township (Chelsea Schools) 30.6064
Webster – Township (Ann Arbor Schools) 32.0003
Webster – Township (Dexter Schools) 33.1302
Webster – Township (Pinckney Schools) 29.9232
Webster – Township (Whitmore Lake Schools) 30.8617
York – Township (Lincoln Schools) 29.1725
York – Township (Milan Schools) 29.7625
York – Township (Saline Schools) 30.8791
Ypsilanti – Township (Lincoln Schools) 39.4094
Ypsilanti – Township (VanBuren Schools) 35.5592
Ypsilanti – Township (Willow Run Schools) 42.2594
Ypsilanti – Township (Willow Run Schools) 38.1594
Of course, if the home is not your principal residence (it’s an investment, rental, you’re not living there) … then your millage rate is much higher, but we are talking about principal residence – a.k.a. homestead here.
What goes into that little number are various rates for a bunch of little services or bond issues, such as:
• County Rate
• CVT Rate
• School Operating
• State Education
• Supplemental Millage
• Local Enhancements
• School Debt
• C.C. Rate
• ISD Rate
• Library Rate
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The HOMEBUYER TAX CREDIT will expire at the end of this month. There is still time to take advantage of this "blue-light special" that is pointed at your choice of home, but first . . .
- You must find a house.
- You must have a signed sales contract dated no later than April 30, 2010.
- You must close on your home purchase by June 30, 2010.
Here's how it works:
Maximum Purchase Price -- $800,000
Income Caps --
- Single tax filers -- up to $125,000 -- are eligible for the total credit amount. Those who earn more than this cap can receive a partial credit; however, single filers who earn $145,000 and above are ineligible.
- Joint filers who earn up to $225,000 are eligible for the total credit amount. Those who earn more than this can receive a partial credit; however, joint filers who earn $245,000 and above are ineligible.
The Tax Credit Amount --
- $8000 for first-time buyers (have not owned a home in the past 3 years)
- $6500 for current homeowners (must have lived in their home as a principal residence for 5 of the past 8 years).
There’s a lot of talk these days about our carbon footprint. There is a way to lessen your own personal footprint, save money and be paid for it too! And this makes sense since more than 70% of the energy used in our homes is for appliances, refrigeration, space heating, cooling, and water heating. Replacing old appliances and equipment with those that are ENERGY STAR labeled can help you save on your utility bills while contributing to a greener planet.
Some are tax credits . . .other are rebates . . .
Act quickly because your opportunity expires December 31, 2010. The rules are simple ~
1. Purchase a qualified mechanical or appliance
2. The home that you put it in must be your principal residence – new construction and rentals do not qualify.
Eligible products include: boilers, furnaces (oil and gas), heat pumps, central air conditioners, room air conditioners, washers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, and water heaters.
Qualifying for a credit of 30% of cost, up to $1500 ~ Biomass Stoves, Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning, Insulation, Roofs, Water Heaters, Windows & Doors.
Qualifying for a tax credit of 30% with no upper limit ~ Geothermal Heat Pumps, Small Wind Turbines, Solar Energy Systems.
Click HERE for a list of eligibility.
For furnaces and larger mechanicals, click HERE.
Many Energy Star Appliances also qualify. Click HERE for a complete list.
If you’ve already purchased, click HERE to claim your rebate.
As an EcoBroker, it’s my pleasure to help you buy an energy efficient home, or green up your current home.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Were you in line to take advantage of the $8000 or $6500 Home Buyer Tax Credit, met the requirement of having a signed sales contract by April 30, 2010, but UNABLE TO CLOSE BY JUNE 30, 20100? You are in luck!
By unanimous consent, Congress has sent President Obama a plan to give home buyers an extra three months to complete their transaction and qualify for the federal tax credit.
By unanimous consent, Congress has sent President Obama a plan to give home buyers an extra three months to complete their transaction and qualify for the federal tax credit.
- Signed sales contract by April 30, 2010
- You must be either a first time buyer or a repeat buyer with certain qualifications.
- You must complete the sale by June 30, 2010.
- You must have a signed sales agreement which was dated on or before April 30, 2010.
- You must be either a first-time buyer or a repeat buyer with certain qualifications.
- You now have until September 30, 2010 to close on your sale.
Do you know that if you are a service man or woman or a government employee stationed out of the country, the entire program is extended for you to April 30, 2011 and June 30, 2011, respectively? Perhaps you know someone who meets these qualifications -- pay it forward and pass this information on.
Generally regarded as America’s birthday the Fourth of July is one of the most entertaining – yet sober -- holidays we celebrate. The music and fireworks remind us WHY WE ARE CELEBRATING.
ON July 4, 1776, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE was adopted by the Continental Congress as an official way to declare the United States’ independence from Great Britain. Every year in the United States, we still celebrate that independence with parades, festivals, barbecues, fireworks and picnics.
As Americans, we celebrate the freedoms we enjoy today because of all the brave souls who came before us who risked their lives and the many who paid with their lives in order that we may enjoy enduring freedom.
So go out and celebrate, but do so with reverance and remembrance. Here is a schedule and information about local firework displays:
The Lake Shore Family Festival Fireworks – over Ford Lake
Got a boat? Get out there!
Admission: See website | Discount tickets are available at many Ypsilanti area businesses.
Got a boat? Get out there!
Admission: See website | Discount tickets are available at many Ypsilanti area businesses.
Festival runs from July 1 - 4th, with Fireworks on TWO nights, Friday and Saturday. Carnival, truck show, food - lots of events. See website for complete schedule for each day.
Phone: 734-482-2850
Phone: 734-482-2850
Saturday July 3, 2010 at dusk
Hudson Mills Metropark Fireworks
8801 North Territorial Road
Admission: $5 Vehicle entry permit
Music from 7pm - 11pm
Fireworks at 10 p.m.
Located 20 minutes west of Ann Arbor at 8801 North Territorial Road, Dexter
8801 North Territorial Road
Admission: $5 Vehicle entry permit
Music from 7pm - 11pm
Fireworks at 10 p.m.
Located 20 minutes west of Ann Arbor at 8801 North Territorial Road, Dexter
Carr Park / 600 W. Main St., Manchester
Located 30 minutes south west of Ann Arbor
Admission: Donations appreciated
Located 30 minutes south west of Ann Arbor
Admission: Donations appreciated
Ann Arbor Trail at McClumpha
Admission: Free
Admission: Free
Phone: 734-453-3840 begin
Jackson Summer Celebration Fireworks Extravaganza
Cascade Falls Park
Admission: $5; 10 and under free
Cascade Falls Park
Admission: $5; 10 and under free
Sunday 7/4 at dusk
Willow Metropark
Fireworks at 10 p.m.
Located 25 minutes east of Ann Arbor at 17845 Savage Road, Belleville
Admission: $5 Vehicle entry permit
Fireworks at 10 p.m.
Located 25 minutes east of Ann Arbor at 17845 Savage Road, Belleville
Admission: $5 Vehicle entry permit
Admission: Free
Parades, attractions, bands, merchants, floats, tractors, Kiwanis Barbecue, fireworks
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Are you feeling a bit of panic to close on the signed sales contract for your new home prior to June 30, 2010, so that you can realize your $8000 or $6500 tax credit? You are not alone!
Apparently, the U.S. Senate is listening to you. A measure was introduced in the U.S. Senate Thursday, June 10, 2010, that would extend the required closing date from June 30, 2010 to September 30 2010.
Here's The Scoop:
- You must have a valid contract in place which was signed by April 30, 2010.
- Currently, it is required that you close on that contract by June 30, 1010, in order to claim your tax credit.
- If the measure is passed, it will be added as an Amendment to the jobs legislation that is currently pending in the Senate.
- You will then have until September 30, 2010, to close on your new home and the tax credit will be yours!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Today’s buyer has their mind full of concerns. Oh yes, it's still a Buyer's Market, but declining values are a concern shared by both of you! Gone are the days when price, condition and location were all a Buyer had to consider. Now, the value of the investment is being questioned.
Education is power! If you are contemplating selling your home, arm yourself with information to attract the right buyer to your home.
Buyers begin their search for a home with prices. They may do a little bit of unrealistic looking, but when push-comes-to-shove, they seek a home at a price they can afford.
Buyers are pre-qualified by their lender. This tells them exactly how much they can afford.
Buyers work with real-estate professionals. A Realtor knows the market. If your home is over-priced, your most qualified prospect may never see it . . . not to mention the fact that you are making your competition (other similar homes on the market that are priced correctly) look better.
Today’s Buyers have the tools to compare homes ~ videos, virtual tours, feature sheets, multiple photos. Make sure your home has these resources and the best presentation.
Buyers compare and choose homes. They walk through homes with their Realtor and are quick to stack up the amenities as compared to price. Will your home be on their short list?
Buyers lenders confirm offer price with an appraisal. Standards have tightened because there is a new code of conduct that appraisers and lenders must follow. If the appraisal comes in too high, guess who suffers?
Buyers face new lending challenges. There are no more non-conforming loans, no-doc loans . . . creative financing is what got us into this mess! Are you willing to help your buyer by offering seller concessions?
Buyers are scared. Give them reassurance by showing them ways your home is special – property taxes, homestead exemption, write offs. It’s important to share what you know. Your Realtor can help you with this.
Buyers have unprecedented inventory to choose from. Is your home priced to sell?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
According to CNN Money, Ann Arbor is one of the top 5 places to retire. Why? It’s cold here in winter!
Well . . . . . . . .
- University of Michigan – students and faculty – make up 40% of the total population, and this offers the non-college generation an opportunity to attend free lectures, concerts, museums . . .
- University of Michigan – makes Ann Arbor’s economy more stable than neighboring communities.
- University of Michigan Hospital – world class health care – one of the highest doctor-to-patient ratios in the nation – 815 physicians for every 100,000 residents (the national average is 170 doctors for every 100,000 people).
- University of Michigan - sports!
- Activities – the area appeals to people who want to do more than just play golf – although there’s that, too!
- Median home prices are down 32% from their hayday. Combine this with low interest rates and it's a perfect time to buy
- If it gets too cold here, we’re only a hop-skip-and a jump from a major airport!
If you can think of more good reasons, please drop me an email!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thinking about selling? Feeling overwhelmed? You should be -- there is A LOT TO THINK ABOUT! It is, after all, your greatest asset; but beyond that, it is your HOME. Speaking of finances, are you tempted to sell it yourself and avoid paying commission? After all, you can put it on the Internet, place a few ads in the local newspaper (woops,
#1 - All that money that you supposedly saved on commission may very well be used up in a lower sale price. A professional, full-time Realtor knows their product, and they know the competition and the Buyers and Buyer Agents as well.. . not to mention their skills as a Negotiator.
#2 - Your Realtor knows the neighborhood, sales statistics, current market conditions -- the real skinny on what's going on -- not just what's being hashed out around the water cooler.
#3 - As your Realtor, I can suggest ways to improve your home's appearance in order to make it more marketable so that you receive more attractive offers. No, it' not always granite countertops -- it's keeping on top of the neighborhood comparables and making sure that you improve, but don't over-improve.
#4 - You set the asking price, but I can guide you in setting a realistic price -- the most likely range that your home will sell in and also one that will appraise, so that the Buyer can obtain financing. You pull the trigger on where you want to be in that range based upon your motivation and other factors.
#5 - Your Realtor knows other Realtors who have Buyer Clients that may be looking for your exact house -- or at least possesses the features they are looking for. This is called NETWORKING -- an irreplaceable component in the Home Selling Process.
#6 - I will screen prospective buyers to make sure they are qualified to purchase a home like yours and not just wasting your time (or other more devious activities). I will always operate in your best interest, keeping your motivation and plans confidential while at the same time try to glean information from the Buying side in order to get you a sale at the best price and terms.
#7 - Ahhh the paperwork . . . purchase agreements, listing agreements, change agreements, contingency removals, addendums, title work, lead-based paint disclosure. That's my job. One little mistake could cost you dearly, so hire an expert.
#8 - After the closing -- I don't disappear after the sale. I guarantee that questions will pop up after you leave the closing table, deposit the check and make your next move. I am the Expert who won't charge you for advise for that question you forgot to ask. I view our relationship as a long-term partnership and will be there to answer your questions, direct you to an expert who can and even help you with your next real-estate transaction.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
ATTENTION ALL HOMEOWNERS thinking of selling . . .
When selling your principal residence (your home), you pay a sales tax – yes, a sales tax. It is commonly known as a Transfer Tax.

Answer this series of questions to see how it can work for YOU . . .
QUESTION 1: Is the property currently claimed as a Homestead?
If "yes," continue. If "No," STOP. You cannot claim the exemption.
QUESTION 2: What is the current SEV?
QUESTION 3: Is the saleprice less than or equal to the "true cash value" of the property.
For help with this, contact a Realtor or our local assessor.
QUESTION 4: What was the SEV on the date of purchase?
For help with this, contact a Realtor or your local assessor.
If the answer to QUESTION 4 is more than the amount for QUESTION 2, you CAN claim the exemption!
When selling your principal residence (your home), you pay a sales tax – yes, a sales tax. It is commonly known as a Transfer Tax.
- It is $8.60 per $1000 State Equalized Value (SEV].
- $7.50 goes to the State of Michigan [this can be waived if you meet the requirements].
- $1.10 goes to the County [this can be waived if you meet the requirements]
Answer this series of questions to see how it can work for YOU . . .
QUESTION 1: Is the property currently claimed as a Homestead?
If "yes," continue. If "No," STOP. You cannot claim the exemption.
QUESTION 2: What is the current SEV?
QUESTION 3: Is the saleprice less than or equal to the "true cash value" of the property.
For help with this, contact a Realtor or our local assessor.
QUESTION 4: What was the SEV on the date of purchase?
For help with this, contact a Realtor or your local assessor.
If the answer to QUESTION 4 is more than the amount for QUESTION 2, you CAN claim the exemption!
In an effort to help bring stability to home values and accelerate the sale of vacant properties, HUD announces a temporary policy that expands access of FHA mortgage insurance to homes owned by sellers for less than 90 days. This temporary policy change will take effect February 1, 2010 and last for one year.
- HUD likes to see “homeowners” in their houses
- They do this to prohibit flipping.
- FHA research has found that it often takes less than 90 days for an investor/seller to acquire, rehab and resell distressed/vacant properties.
- Investor/sellers are often unwilling to hold a house for more than 90 days because of holding costs and the risk of vandalism.
- This makes the most affordable homes ineligible for FHA financing – the most affordable type of financing available to first-time buyers
Allowing these most affordable properties to be financed FHA should:
- Stabilize real estate prices
- Revitalize neighborhoods and communities
- Makes an important and affordable home available to first-time buyers who often don’t have more than 3.5% down payment!
- All sales must be arms-length. There can be no identity of interest between the buyer and seller
- Does not apply to home equity loans
- If the property is sold for more than 20% above the seller’s purchase price, it must meet specific conditions.
Chelsea, Michigan is a wonderful closely-knit community whose residents truly cherish where they live. It began as a Village, becoming a City in 2004. City or Village -- its quaintness remains!
Cooperation and participation pull together to make Chelsea the unique community that it is. Whether it's the multitude of events and activities organized by Chelsea's District Library (The Best Small Library in America) or Chelsea's focus on the Arts, there is always something to do in Chelsea.
Many things bring notoriety and flavor of the Chelsea community. . .just to name a few ~

Dwight E. Beach – U.S. Army General and namesake of Beach Middle School
Jeff Daniels – a film and theatre actor. In July, 1991, Jeff bought an old bus garage with the dream of creating a professional Midwestern theatre group with actors directors, deigners and playrights. The focus -- middle America.
Tony Scheffler – now playing professionally for the Denver Broncos, was #88 when he played for Chelsea High School. Graduating in 2001, he set a school record for receiving yards in a single season (1,340) and finished the 2000 season with 67 receptions and 16 touchdowns.
Purple Rose Theatre - Founded by Jeff Daniels in July, 1991 as a creative home for theatre artists to define their collective Midwestern voice. Ticket prices are kept reasonable as Jeff does not believe it to be an opportunity only for the privledged few.
Common Grill - opened its doors in 1991. Famous for it's unique fresh menu, priding itself on excellent customer service, it is conservatively the finest restaurant in Washtenaw County. Since its opening, the restaurant has consistently received outstanding reviews and ratings from critics and patrons alike. On most any day, you will see the hands-on style of Execute Chef Craig Common - a habit that makes his restaurant the very best!
Sounds & Sights on Thursday Nights - began in 2004 as a brain child to bring more awareness to historic downtown Chelsea and all that it has to offer. It features music, entertainment and attractions every Thursday evening throughout the summer. Stage locations are spread throughout the downtown area.
Summerfest - always a clear indicator of the middle of summer, this year's event is scheduled for July 29 - 30, 2010. An incredibly community event, it is comprised of food, drink, music, classic cars, sidewalk sales, pet parades and fun activities for adults and kids alike!

The Pet Parade - a part of Chelsea Sumerfest
Annual Holiday Lights Parade - Last year's was held on Saturday, December 5, 2009 beginning at 6:00 p.m, and had the town glowing with the spirit of the season. You are invited to participate in this year'sevent, simply fill out a participant application and return it to the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce by mid November 2010.
Don't forget to stay to the very end . . .
There just might be a special guest - if you know what I mean!
Cooperation and participation pull together to make Chelsea the unique community that it is. Whether it's the multitude of events and activities organized by Chelsea's District Library (The Best Small Library in America) or Chelsea's focus on the Arts, there is always something to do in Chelsea.
Many things bring notoriety and flavor of the Chelsea community. . .just to name a few ~
Dwight E. Beach – U.S. Army General and namesake of Beach Middle School
You're just in time! Auditions are held in the spring of each year, and are open to musicians, singer/song-writers,
jugglers, magicians, performers, dance troupes, artists, and other street arts performers. Performers are judged before a panel of local artists, committee members and merchants. Performers are paid, a priority for organizers who feel that artists should always be compensated for their work.This year's Auditions are being held Monday night, April 19th from 5 to 8 PM at the Common Grill Restaurant.
Summerfest - always a clear indicator of the middle of summer, this year's event is scheduled for July 29 - 30, 2010. An incredibly community event, it is comprised of food, drink, music, classic cars, sidewalk sales, pet parades and fun activities for adults and kids alike!
The Pet Parade - a part of Chelsea Sumerfest
Don't forget to stay to the very end . . .
There just might be a special guest - if you know what I mean!
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